Sunday, 17 April 2022

Mythological Meaning Of Flowers! - Learn The Meaning Before Sending Flower Delivery Quezon City

 Flowers have a lengthy history — did you even know that rose has been around for 35 million years? – As a result, it is no surprise that many of them have names derived from ancient Greek mythology, which dates back over 2,700 years. This is quite fascinating to learn before flower delivery quezon city, isn’t it?

Make yourself a pot of tea, settle back, and read through some of the favorite flower tales. This editorial brings you the mythological meaning of different flowers. So, read the full blog before you send flower delivery makati.

Daffodils have a long history in mythology.

The narcissus flower, sometimes known as the daffodil, is the subject of one of the most well-known floral legends. This spring favourite is titled after Narcissus, a lovely Greek lad who was so charmed by his own image in a stream that he remained on its banks until he died, looking at himself.


Zephryus, the deity of the west breeze, had been passed up in favour of Apollo by the athletic Hyacinthus. When he saw Hyacinthus and Artemis playing discus, he became enraged and blew the heavy disc at his crush's head, killing him. Apollo was so distraught that he forbade Hades from bringing his lover's spirit to the underworld and instead transformed it into a hyacinth.


The word 'orchis' means 'testicles,' so you can guess where this is going. Orchis was the offspring of a satyr — a wild, intoxicated nature spirits – and a nymph in Greek mythology. Orchis tried to assault a priestess during a banquet for Bacchus, the deity, fertility, and ceremonial lunacy. As a punishment, he was torn by wild monsters, with what is now known as an orchids springing up where his parts of the body landed. Learn these meanings to refrain sending wrong flowers for flower delivery makati.


Keeping it short, these are the mythological meaning of some top flowers. Now that you know them explore more about flowers.

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